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In these works you will find sages, enchanting tales of previous exiled guardians from ancient times and fables.
These Exiles are created from dialogical reciprocal connections, when we find ourselves in chaos,
These entities have different accesses to sources of our minds.
We can transcend with ones many selves within.
Ice Key
Tropical Key
Swamp Key
Sexy Key
How to collect
Collectors own the keys to claim these artworks
ICE - Ateles rereleases
TROPIC - Bear releases
SWAMP - Automatons releases
KISS - All Exiles
They are welcome to trade their keys to you and are found here:
Mara 1/17
Girard Land 1/17
Enkidu 1/17
The Archer 1/17
Frog Prince 1/17
Angelicus 1/17
Hidden Kid 1/17
Collecting the ICE KEY
To claim any of these Exiled Ateles
If you're curious about the word Ateles, this is the name of the
Also known as the Batz
Howler Monkeys
Spider Monkeys
EXileD Ateles SERIES
Born North 1/17
The Gecko 1/17
Myraid 1/17
Fleck 1/17
Talisman 1/17
Saturnalia 1/24
Vine 1/24
Anima Mundi 1/24
The Unknown Gate of State 1/24
Adama 1/24
Sophrosyne 1/24
Acadia 1/24
Bear and Circus 1/24
Logi 1/24
Yamanote 1/24
Instinctu Divinitatis 1/24
Psychopomp 1/24
Krish 1/24
Gryphon 1/24
Ivan 1/24
Asceticism 1/24
Irascibilis 1/24
Loyal Little Nisse 1/24
Elijah 1/24
Silence 1/24
EXileD Automatons SERIES
Collect the TROPIC KEY
I smashed 2 Entities together to get what Blachowicz calls reciprocal correction.
Costanza 1/16
Collecting the SWAMP KEY
Currently Working here..
Mr Non-Being 1/16
Jormungandr 1/16
Naamah 1/16
Cherub 1/16
Lilith 1/16
David 1/16
Nephilim 1/16
Life 1/16
Dexter 1/16
Nebuchadnezzar 1/16
Crook 1/16
Melody of the Hegemonikon 1/16
The Artificer 1/18
Aphiēmi 1/18
Metaxu 1/18
Hupomonē 1/18
Peridexion 1/18
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